World His image Period Reviews
Albert Einstei picture of a Einstei 1879-1955m German physicist and one of the most famous and best physicists throughout history is from set theory and special relativity for the scientist and the first predicted the existence of the band althkalih received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his research in the photoelectric effect and the resulting conclusions to explain many phenomena
Lsaac Newton picture of a Lsaac 1642-1727m A physicist Englishman is one of the most important symbols of the scientific revolution is a law of motion and universal gravitation and showed movement of objects on Earth and of celestial objects
Farad Michael picture of a Farad 1791-1867m Laying the foundations of alkhrbomghnatiset discovered the theory of magnetic walnfadet conversation in addition to put the laws of electrolysis awarded the Royal Medal Award in 1835 and 1846, and Sam Kublai in 1832 and 1838 and Rumford Medal the year 1846